Saturday, March 28, 2020

3 Types of Plus Programs For Helping Students Reach Their Career Goals

3 Types of Plus Programs For Helping Students Reach Their Career GoalsIf you are interested in finding a job that will help you achieve your goals, then signing up for a Plus Program may be a good option. There are many types of programs available, and each one can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the student.One type of tutoring is for students who need extra guidance in areas like mathematics or grammar. Often times a student who is struggling with a particular task or study technique may need extra assistance to help them succeed. This kind of tutoring can often be self-teaching, with the student simply working on their own practice problems until they have mastered the skill they need. Often students are allowed to make a written examination, a test, to show how they are progressing, and how far they have come.Other tutors may also teach the students to solve problems in an easier way, which allows the student to work more efficiently. The tutor may work with the student to develop solutions to multiple-choice or multiple-response questions that will be used to help the student learn. Again, this can be done in a self-teaching fashion, although sometimes the tutor will also teach the student what other methods of testing have to offer.Sometimes the tutor will become involved in teaching the student, to help them get the concepts down. There are many tutors who may feel comfortable doing so, while some may prefer not to be in the classroom and may want to try more traditional ways of helping the student with homework. The latter type of tutor may prefer to be found in a software program, which provides the tutor and the student with the exact same tutor.A third type of tutor that uses a traditional method may not work well for some students. There are those students who have a difficult time learning in a traditional class environment, and they do not have the patience to wait for the teacher to give them their lesson in time. This may be why the st udents at some institutions choose to enroll in a program that may not use the traditional method. Often times the student who wants more help will prefer to be taught by an individual, and the tutoring can be self-teaching as well.These three types of tutoring can be tailored to meet any individual student's needs. Those who choose to use tutoring for personal growth can enjoy self-help tutoring, whereas those who need a tutor who can give them lessons in the traditional manner may prefer the self-teaching tutoring approach. Whatever program a student chooses, they will find a tutor who can help them reach their full potential.Tutoring can help any student reach their career objectives, and many students even find it relaxing to learn how to do certain things independently. It may be that a student feels more comfortable learning with a tutor who they already know and trust, rather than someone they are unfamiliar with.

Friday, March 6, 2020

PISA Ranking - Tutor Hunt Blog

PISA Ranking PISA Ranking PISA RankingNewsMany people will not be familiar with the PISA ranking system. With so many acronyms in the education sector - GCSEs OFCOM, etc - most have probably not encountered the Pisa term. It certainly has nothing to do with that north western costal city in Italy with the leaning tower - nothing quite so glamorous as that. PISA stands for the Programme for International Student Assessment. It was set up by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and intergovernmental economic organization, consisting of more than 70 member countries. Its primary objective is to assess the ability of 15 year olds` academic abilities in mathematics, science and reading. Their assessments began in 2003, and are repeated every three years. In order to fulfil the criteria of the OECD, to participate in the PISA assessment each country must select at least 5000 students. The test itself consists of a two hour written tests, where reading and language comprehension skills are appraised; There is also a multiple choice section, and a specific mathematics part to the assessment material. The whole test in its entirety would last 6 hours, but no one student actually takes the entire exam; instead it is broken up between different students. The result of all this testing is that the competing countries can be ranked against each other, such as in the table below, which may make disconcerting reading for those who believe our education standards are among the best in the world. The UK comes in at a disappointing 27th in Mathematics, falling a place since the last PISA test. In Reading the UK is only ranked 23rd, a large drop from 2006, when it was in the top 20. Mathematics Reading 1 Shanghai (China) Shanghai (China) 2 Singapore Hong Kong (China) 3 Hong Kong (China) Singapore 4 Taiwan Japan 5 South Korea South Korea 6 Macao (China) Finland 7 Japan Ireland 8 Liechtenstein Taiwan 9 Switzerland Canada 10 Netherlands Poland 11 Estonia Estonia 12 Finland Liechtenstein 13 Canada New Zealand 14 Poland Australia 15 Belgium Netherlands 16 Germany Belgium 17 Vietnam Switzerland 18 Austria Macao (China) 19 Australia Vietnam 20 Ireland Germany 21 Slovenia France 22 Denmark Norway 23 New Zealand United Kingdom 24 Czech Republic United States 25 France Denmark 26 United Kingdom Czech Republic The table above shows the latest PISA results, which were published in 2013, and clearly shows the highest performers are the Asian countries, with the UK trailing far behind. What is the reason supremacy of Asian countries over their European counterparts? Have they fashioned a highly effective teaching practice, an academic version of the Suzuki method, a Japanese music teaching philosophy, which has produced some of the greatest performers in the world? The answer may be more prosaic: Asian children usually have a far longer school day than students anywhere else. Lessons in South Korea began at 8:30am, and can finish at 5pm, with many children supplementing their studies with further lessons at a `Hagwon` school from 6:00pm until 9:00pm. This grueling schedule takes place five days a week; and while it may seem draconian to us, it certainly yields results. The PISA results also correlate scores with gender, and what they reveal is that Boys outperformed girls in mathematics in 37 out of the 65 countries; according to the OCED girls `feel less motivated to learn maths and have less confidence in their abilities than boys`.In the sciences the results show that boys and girls generally perform equally. The report clearly showed that the wealthier countries performed higher in the PISA scores. This is to be expected: richer countries have more money to spend on education, while a higher GDP is correlated with greater leisure time for adults, which may enable parents to be able to spend more time helping their children learn at home. The report stated that: The relationship suggests that 21% of the variation in countries` mean scores can be predicted on the basis of their per capita GDP (12% of the variation in OECD countries). Countries with higher national incomes are thus at a relative advantage, even if the chart provides no indications about the causal nature of this relationship. This should be taken into account particularly when interpreting the performance of countries with comparatively low levels of national income, such as Viet Nam and Indonesia (Mexico and Turkey among OECD countries). While the average person in the UK may be unaware of the PISA scoring system, its findings should not go unheeded. While some have claimed that the assessment only displays a narrow range, and omits entirely more subtle attributes, such as artistic, moral and civic development, it is hard to be indifferent to statistics that show the UK falling far behind many other countries in the core academic subjects. 3 years ago0Add a Comment

5 Ways to Communicate With Your TA

5 Ways to Communicate With Your TA 5 Great Ways to Communicate With Your TA Most college underclassmen will take several classes in a large hall with a professor who gives lectures and designs the curriculum but who doesnt necessarily grade assignments. In this case, a series of teaching assistants will work to design tests and assignments and do the majority of the grading. Its critical for students to be in contact with their TA on a regular basis because they’re in charge of the student’s final grade. Also, since they write many of the lesson plans, they will know how to answer complex questions and help students solve academic problems. 1.   Important information on the syllabus The first thing students should do is read through the entire syllabus. This document gives students a ton of information about how to communicate with their TA, who the TA is, and what responsibilities they have. Each lecture class is different, and some TA’s are there simply to assist the professor with clerical work while others do everything outside of the first lecture. The syllabus will also let students know who their TA is, sometimes organized by student number or last name, as well as how best to get in touch with them. Some TA’s exclusively use their school email while others prefer students forward queries to their personal email account. All of this information is conveniently found in each class syllabus. 2.   Meeting with your TA Students are encouraged to meet with their TA in person so they can put a face with a name. Most students dont bother to get in touch in person, and so they become one student out of 100 who sends an email here in there. Students who take the time to make an appointment are more likely to be taken seriously and given participation points if theyre available. If the TA has ultimate authority over student grades, its extra important they know which students are really serious about learning. Each TA will have a different schedule that will change from semester to semester as they are Masters or Ph.D. students themselves. Underclassmen are encouraged to find out their TA’s availability at the beginning of the term (READ: 5 Ways to Have a Well-Rounded Experience on Campus). 3.   Online communication with your TA Much of the student’s communication with their TA will occur online. Simple communication will take place by email but todays teaching assistants may also use more cutting edge technology to keep in touch with larger classes. Students are encouraged to inquire about different forms of digital communication that their TA may be implementing into the curriculum. 4.   Clearing up grading discrepancies Once in a while, there will be a basic clerical error that students need to clear up with the TA. Students should always be polite and professional when inquiring about something of that matter so as to maintain a good rapport. Students who wish to have their assignment re-graded should refer to their syllabus for the professor’s policy. This is a tricky topic because a re-graded assignment may end up receiving an even lower grade than it originally did. 5.   Working with multiple TA’s Each student will be assigned a TA who works with a part of the class. However, sometimes TA’s work as a team helping all of the students together and some courses will have a lead TA. Students are encouraged to be mindful of who they are communicating with and make sure information is getting forwarded to the correct person. The first thing students should do when they start a new class is finding out who their TA is and how long it takes them to return an email. This will set the tone and timeline for communication for the entire semester. Still in the process of applying to college? Our experienced Irvine college admissions consultants are here to help. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Escuela Santa Ana

Escuela Santa Ana Escuela Santa Ana Escuela Santa Ana was established on the grounds of Rancho Santana in 2010 to provide a schooling option for children living in the Ranch. The school has since opened its doors to families in the surrounding communities who share the common goal of desiring a high level international education to their children in a private school setting. The school has grown to include a Lower and Upper School currently serving a range of ages from 5 to 14. Our programs are designed to support students Kindergarten - 12th grades as we continue to grow. We pride ourselves on being a multilingual school offering a high level, internationally accredited education to students beginning with Kindergarten. Like the small one-room school houses of the past, ESA operates with multi-age classrooms while maintaining small class sizes to offer low student-to-teacher ratios for individualized support. Students at Escuela Santa Ana follow a customized learning program using our multifaceted curricula. We use a combination of online, in print, hands-on, experience based curricula. Being so small allows us to provide a truly responsive schooling experience where teachers serve as guides for student centered learning. Students participate in enrichment courses 5 days a week that support our integrated studies on healthy mind body, environmental stewardship, and reading. Throughout the year students take courses in art, music, dance, karate, theater, yoga, culture, community collaboration, environmental stewardship, cooking, handcrafts, mountain biking, PE and more. There is a high value placed on developing the whole child by allowing them to try new things, learn social-emotional skills and hone practical life skills.

An Interns Worst Fears, Conquered

An Intern's Worst Fears, Conquered Image via Microwaving the wrong food Do: popcorn, bacon. Don’t: fish, onions, Brussel sprouts, eggs. What is worse than the office kitchen smelling like complete garbage? Being the one responsible for the garbage smell. The quickest way to become the most hated employee is to microwave the wrong kind of food. The feeling of “I have no idea what I am doing” Do: remain calm, ask for clarity. Don’t: wing it, have a mental breakdown. It happens to everyone, the sinking feeling of uncertainty because you do not know your right hand from your left. The most important thing to do is to remain composed. Even taking a five-minute break can clear your head and help you refocus. It never hurts to ask a coworker for help either. After all, the point of an internship is to learn. Having too much work to handle Do: take your time, prioritize. Don’t: push it off until last minute, ask someone else to do it, pretend it never existed. The purpose of an internship is to teach you how to do a certain job. So do not expect to be sitting around all day playing Farmville. According to, “From making copies to finishing projects, you’ll have to be the master of your schedule and make sure you get everything completed on time. As you tackle your work, be sure to remove distractions, set goals, and ask for help when needed.” Doing something wrong Do: own up to it, learn from it. Don’t: blame it on someone else, try to hide it, cry and quit. We all mess up; it is a part of life. As an intern, it is basically your job to mess up (kidding). In other words, your boss does not expect you to be perfect. Instead of running away from your fault, handle it like an adult and own up to what you did, apologize, and offer to assist in fixing it. Nothing is more mature than taking accountability. Image via So there you have it; a lot can happen as an intern. Your fears will be as easy to conquer as burning popcorn in a microwave (something else you should definitely avoid). Overall, your most important job will be conducting the morning coffee run. So don’t mess it up. How hard can it be?

Applerouth Tutoring Reviews

Applerouth Tutoring ReviewsApplerouth Tutoring is one of the most popular public and private institutions in the United States offering tutoring services to students from the local and global areas. One of the best features of this school is that it is a comprehensive mix of all types of learning styles - traditional, as well as non-traditional. It offers a wide range of courses, which include both English and Mathematics, history, music, and even specializations such as sports or language.Applerouth Tutoring's high-quality, educational materials is placed on its website, which provides to the user lots of detailed information about its educational programs. With their comprehensive programs, these courses have resulted to increasing popularity and demand in the area of education. Applerouth Tutoring has been awarded with the Gold Medal Award in Education by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.Applerouth Tutoring has excellent academic institutions that train the student s and instructors for an overall knowledge in all possible subjects. As of now, the institute enrolls students from all over the world and from every culture, nation, and race. In addition, the faculty of the School of Education and Services holds degrees from all over the world. The students at Applerouth Tutoring are trained and motivated for better and more opportunities in the future.Applerouth Tutoring's student roster includes high school and college students, as well as adults. In addition, many professional individuals have enrolled themselves in this program, as well as military personnel. It is one of the best education institutions in the country, that caters to all age groups and genders.One of the important things that distinguishes Applerouth Tutoring from other private and public tutoring institutions is that its curriculum is more versatile and flexible in nature. It accommodates the needs of students from a variety of educational backgrounds and has a variety of inn ovative methods that will suit the needs of the students.The other reason why Applerouth Tutoring is also known as an educational website, is because the organization provides students and parents with the opportunity to gain more knowledge about the Internet and its use in education. In addition, they offer students with a chance to engage in research for further information about the Internet and its importance in teaching and learning.Applerouth Tutoring provides high quality tutoring services to students at affordable rates. Students will be provided with a great time while at the same time spending quality time with their friends and family. You can search for Applerouth Tutoring's website and register yourself for free.

Definitions For The Chemistry Of Reagents

Definitions For The Chemistry Of ReagentsAll these are best exemplified by the term Reagent, which is the term used to refer to any chemical substance that reacts with another chemical substance to produce a chemical substance. When applied as a chemical reaction, this reagent can be composed of two separate substances, and the chemicals have to be of different types. This generally means that they react differently and become different chemical substances in comparison to each other.The same chemistry can be applied when an element such as H-atomic weight of nitrogen is combined with C-atomic weight of carbon. These two compounds will both react with each other and thus be result in compounds that are of a different chemical class.A reagent is a chemical substance that reacts with another chemical substance. When used in chemical reactions, these substances produce a certain reaction. This kind of reaction can be referred to as a reaction in which chemical substances are combined in order to produce some other chemical substance, also known as compound.There are three kinds of chemical substances that are used in chemical reactions. The first chemical substance that is used in chemical reactions is the basic chemical substance. The first chemical substance that is used in a chemical reaction is known as the base chemical substance. Base chemicals are the basic substances that must be used in the reactions in order to make the compound, which is another chemical substance.Other chemical substances are alkali-base chemicals, inorganic chemicals, metallic salts, organic chemicals, and particulate. The chemical reactions that are described by these terms are very important, and form the basis of most chemical processes that are used in the manufacture of chemical substances. Chemical reactions can be used in various situations such as the polymerization of different types of molecules, oxidation, addition, and reduction.The first step in the definition of a chemic al substance is the formation of new chemical substance. From this point, the chemistry that is used in the formulation of new chemical substances depends on the type of chemical substances that are used. Chemical reactions can be either irreversible or reversible. The reactions that are reversible are usually necessary for the formation of a new chemical substance, while the reactions that are irreversible are more commonly used to solve certain chemical problems, and solve other chemical problems.The classification of a chemical substance is given in this classification. These categories are also known as chemical classes and includes the following groups: solid, liquid, gaseous, and gas. The last group includes organic compounds, metallic and alloys, silicates, and thermoset salts.

Learning How to Play the Guitar Where Should You Start

Learning How to Play the Guitar Where Should You Start Suzy S. Lets bring it back to the basics what are some of the first things you should learn when you begin with guitar? Check out this video from Lansing teacher Tab W., and learn the basics of holding your guitar, fretting, plus a simple guitar exercise to try! Tab W. teaches bass guitar, guitar, classical guitar, mandolin, music performance, music theory and songwriting lessons to students of all ages in Lansing, MI. Tab joined the TakeLessons team in July 2012, with over 13 years of experience playing guitar and bass. Sign up for lessons with Tab, or visit TakeLessons to search for a guitar teacher near you! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Online Algebra Tutoring - Enforcing Good Life Skills in Student Minds

Online Algebra Tutoring - Enforcing Good Life Skills in Student Minds 0SHARESShare Algebra is the base for other Math subjects and a good mastery of the subject helps you garner the essential life skills to lead a successful life. Online Algebra tutoring enables you to shape these skills with its effective tutoring strategies What an online Algebra tutor does to sow the seeds of good life skills in you? He teaches the basic principles of Algebra well to make you feel comfortable with Algebra doing. You realize the value of Algebra when you start doing it with ease. This penchant for the subject makes you understand how you can develop good life skills through learning Algebra like problem solving skills, rational thinking, adaptive reasoning, lateral thinking and logical coherence in making out things. No wonder, you acquire the essential life skills to go along a set pattern of life where everything becomes easy, fool proof and error free for you. When you go deep into the concepts of Algebra, it is not that every time you could solve the equations and formulas without help. Better you seek help with Algebra homework from the hands of expert online tutors who, with their short movies, practice worksheets and Algebra solvers, pick out suitable solutions for your tasks. Tutor Pace excels in improvising suitable solutions for your homework tasks to enable you gather maximum essential life skills learnt through Algebra. Get  Algebra Tutor Online  Now! [starbox id=admin]